Saturday, May 16, 2009

7th stage: O Cebreiro - Samos (30 km)

Downhill into the "Evergreen" Galicia led us the way on the 7th stage. Typical for this region are the foggy mornings and the wide green fields, which seemed to be comparable to the Irish landscape in some places. This day we started all together, but later we got separated so I was walking with Pablo and a German girl in a group of three. Arriving in Triacastella they wanted to stay overnight. But I planned to meet Fran and the other people again, therefore I walked the last 9 kilometers alone through a nice river valley towards Samos. The determining attribute about Samos is the big monastery, where pilgrims were able to sleep in and furthermore, as we could experienced, take part in an exclusive mass with gregorian chants. After the renewed blessing I ate my first octopus for dinner, a specialty in Galicia and it was surprisingly very good.

foggy mountains

poor dogs

church out of gneiss

Typical yellow arrow

breakfast with Pablo

kind of a crop storage

a very, very old tree

Church of Triacastella

Monestary of Samos

bleating goat

Monestary of Samos

inner courtyard

inner courtyard

mural paintings

delicious octopus

the group at dinner

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