Saturday, May 16, 2009

8th stage: Samos - Portomarín (35 km)

This day was characterized by the typical Galician landscape and unfortunately the typical weather as well. Dizzle in the morning came along with our way to Sarria. I walked together with John, an American student, we already met in Molinaseca. We spoke about this and that including politics and history of our both countries. As we arrived in Sarria I noticed my backpack was wet inside, so I made another excellent decision after buying the bandage 2 days before. I bought a poncho in a special pilgrim's shop and was glad as I had to use it regulary the following days. Leaving Sarria I was walking on my own again and the last 100 km to Santiago begun. From that point on every half an kilometer a milestone indicaded the remaining distance. Ment to be a motivation this information discouraged myself most of the time. At 7 o'clock and after 35 kilometers of walking I arrived the huge pilgrim's hostel in Portomarín. In contrast to the days before, when I met almost every day the same pilgrims in the hostels, here were a lot of new ones already starting to walk just the last 100 km. Most of them seemed to be school kids using the free time at Easter. So our group for dinner consisted of Jeordie, Fran, Fernando (I think we first met him in Villarfranca), three women, we got to know in Samos (all Spanish) and Ephraim, with whom I got talking to on my way this day.

Galician idyll

Green landscape

Typical alley of Galicia


100km milestone

Galician way

entrance of Porto Marin

Church of Porto Marin


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